Wednesday 22 February 2012

the first post

I'm Mum to a dear 10 week old baby who I shall call. Hmm. Let me think. Squawker. The Squawker's big brother is a cheerful, bright and energetic almost-three year. Let's call him Blue (it's his favourite colour).

In November last year, Blue received a diagnosis of Autistic Spectrum Disorder. This was the culmination of concerns long-held by my husband and me. It was an expected diagnosis. Difficult to hear, but also a tiny bit of a relief. Finally, the endless questioning, worrying and speculation could come to an end or, as it turned out - not.

In the period immediately following the diagnosis, we congratulated ourselves on being so on top of everything. Blue had had a working diagnosis since he was 2 years and 2 months and, all credit to the NHS, his therapies came online straight away. We had filled any holes by appointing independent professionals where necessary. We had researched the various therapies and early interventions available and decided that we would start an Applied Behavioural Analysis (ABA) programme. It started in the same month we got the full diagnosis.

Fast-forward three or so months and we're feeling rather differently. Squawker arrived, a dreary winter got its claws into us and, oh, I don't know, everything just got harder. The arrival of a second child always requires, at best, a gentle period of adjustment and, at worst, for the world to be turned upside down and shaken about before the dust settles. I think I can safely say we fall towards the latter end of that particular spectrum.

I'm not a talker. The idea of parent and support groups fills me with dread. However, my head currently contains less "grey matter" and more of a grey mess. I thought a blog might help me impose some order on my poor, beleaguered brain. Hence.

The things I would like to talk about in future posts are, in no particular order:

The Diagnosis
Blue's place on the Spectrum
Speech and language challenges
Early Interventions

and a whole bunch of other waffle.

Colournumbershape? Those are a few of Blue's favourite things.

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